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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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I disagree. We're out of practice; I'm concerned, especially since it seems Naismith will only make the bench and Lafferty will be starting. Here's hoping it's not Big Lug Laff and is instead the proper footballer we've seen glimpses of this year.


Also, anyone think the Ibrox Disaster tributes are just asking for trouble? I mean, there was no way we couldn't recognise it, what with today being exactly 40 years to the day - ignoring it would've been downright disrespectful - but surely a minute's silence is just asking for the more *ahem* fervent Celtic fans to sing through it. I suppose there will probably have been one or two Celtic fans who died in the tragedy due to being in the wrong end, but I very much doubt that'll matter to them.

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Also, anyone think the Ibrox Disaster tributes are just asking for trouble? I mean, there was no way we couldn't recognise it, what with today being exactly 40 years to the day - ignoring it would've been downright disrespectful - but surely a minute's silence is just asking for the more *ahem* fervent Celtic fans to sing through it. I suppose there will probably have been one or two Celtic fans who died in the tragedy due to being in the wrong end, but I very much doubt that'll matter to them.



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I've never been so confident of an Old Firm victory. It's gonna be emphatic - I can feel it!


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Get it up ye. A great day for Celtic on and off the pitch, as the fans who were present were a credit to the club and honoured the minute's silence with the respect the occasion deserved. The Rangers supporters took it a bit far though and seemed to continue the silence for the full 90 minutes of the match.


I thought some of the performances in our team were sensational today - especially young James Forrest and Thomas Rogne who both had excellent games. Kayal is the midfield destroyer we've desperately lacked for ages. Izaguirre is Lennon's best signing. And well, Sammy - what can you say? Absolutely delighted for him. He has had a harsh time of it on occasion at Celtic but he was superb today and it was great to see him finally get his big moment as you can just tell that he hates the Huns.


Still a lot of games to go, but oh man, what a thrill it is to win at the shitebox and shut up all the complacent wankers who had us beat before a ball was kicked.



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Still a lot of games to go, but oh man, what a thrill it is to win at the shitebox and shut up all the complacent wankers who had us beat before a ball was kicked.


That's what made it such a great victory, all week I've been told how Rangers are much better, how Celtic have a shite defence (even though they've let in less goals than any other SPL or EPL team this season), they already had the minutes silence broken and Celtic fans hung drawn and quartered for the offence.


Today we showed our class on and off the pitch, hail hail and a happy new year from Samaras.

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Sensational? Are you off your head? That game was fucking rank. The first half showed why the SPL is the joke it is today. We were shite and you were slightly less shite, with the exception of Samaras who (whisper it quietly) actually seemed to be right up for it and played his heart out.


As far as Rangers are concerned, today showed how much we miss Naismith; the young boy Ness did well in midfield, but Weiss was never up to the task of being a supporting player and Miller never got a sniff as a result. Rangers never got out of first gear.


Still, congrats to Celtic, in so much as they were the only team that showed up today and therefore deserved the three points.



I'm pleased that the silence was observed but I still think the idea of holding it in the first place was probably an attempt to show up Celtic's support. In that sense, I'm also glad that it didn't work, since perhaps this will stop the club from doing such potentially inflammatory things in future. The tribute with McNeil and Greig and the wreath was enough for me.

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Also, anyone think the Ibrox Disaster tributes are just asking for trouble? I mean, there was no way we couldn't recognise it, what with today being exactly 40 years to the day - ignoring it would've been downright disrespectful - but surely a minute's silence is just asking for the more *ahem* fervent Celtic fans to sing through it. I suppose there will probably have been one or two Celtic fans who died in the tragedy due to being in the wrong end, but I very much doubt that'll matter to them.

What hate-filled bile.


Tributes marking the Ibrox Disaster have always brought both sets of supporters together. Non-football silences tend to be a source of consternation, but when it comes to memorials such as today, there should never have been any doubt that the Celtic support would respect it.

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Sensational? Are you off your head? That game was fucking rank. The first half showed why the SPL is the joke it is today. We were shite and you were slightly less shite, with the exception of Samaras who (whisper it quietly) actually seemed to be right up for it and played his heart out.


From your point of view. The first half was a tense affair and both sides were pretty cagey. We looked uncomfortable for the first ten minutes and that was probably Rangers' most threatening part of the game. After about fifteen minutes we managed to find a bit of rhythm and there was not much between the teams at half time. However, we came out in the second half obviously fired up and started playing. This was particularly satisfying cos this season we seem to fade in the second half, and Rangers always come back from going a goal down.


I say sensational because Forrest did enough work for two players in his Old Firm debut. Considering he is so small, he does not allow himself to be bullied and he put in some immense crosses. Rogne was superb in this game, I don't think even a Rangers fan could dispute that. He cleared everything and was rock solid at the back - he looked like the more experienced of the two centre halves.


The story of the day though has to be Sammy. He is the most frustrating player I've ever seen, because when his tail is up and he fancies it, he is nearly unplayable. Out of every footballer I have ever seen, he is the ultimate example of a confidence player. He won everything in the air today and when he got the goal, there was no stopping him. As soon as he scored I knew Rangers wouldn't get back into the game and I knew he would get another. He is pretty amazing to watch when he's on a confidence mission. Long may it continue, though I know it won't.

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Also notice the usual suspects are in hiding. Get it right round the lot of ye.

i'm just in from work, watched the whole game and all i can say was, utter utter disgrace from the rangers team.

not going to complain about the 2 penaltys that should have been awarded to us, lafferty being taken down with a straight leg and the hand ball from wilson? because we didn't deserve it on that display.


all credit to celtic

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What hate-filled bile.


Tributes marking the Ibrox Disaster have always brought both sets of supporters together. Non-football silences tend to be a source of consternation, but when it comes to memorials such as today, there should never have been any doubt that the Celtic support would respect it.

Piss off and don't try and tar me with the same brush you so desperately want to tar all of us with. If you'd bothered to read my post, or especially the follow-up, you'd notice that I was actually suggesting that Rangers may have opted for a minute's silence as well as all the other tributes in order to goad the more unsavoury Celtic supporters into breaking it. As such, I'm pleased it went off without a hitch because it DOESN'T add fuel to a potential fire, with the added bonus of pissing all over anyone who was hoping to have another case of 'look how bad their fans are' on their hands. See also the huge effort to display poppies after Celtic fans protested at Parkhead - whilst there have always been remembrance displays at Ibrox, this year's was mysteriously much grander than they have been before. That kind of attitude shouldn't be encouraged, especially on an anniversary such as today's.


From your point of view. The first half was a tense affair and both sides were pretty cagey. We looked uncomfortable for the first ten minutes and that was probably Rangers' most threatening part of the game. After about fifteen minutes we managed to find a bit of rhythm and there was not much between the teams at half time. However, we came out in the second half obviously fired up and started playing. This was particularly satisfying cos this season we seem to fade in the second half, and Rangers always come back from going a goal down.


I say sensational because Forrest did enough work for two players in his Old Firm debut. Considering he is so small, he does not allow himself to be bullied and he put in some immense crosses. Rogne was superb in this game, I don't think even a Rangers fan could dispute that. He cleared everything and was rock solid at the back - he looked like the more experienced of the two centre halves.


The story of the day though has to be Sammy. He is the most frustrating player I've ever seen, because when his tail is up and he fancies it, he is nearly unplayable. Out of every footballer I have ever seen, he is the ultimate example of a confidence player. He won everything in the air today and when he got the goal, there was no stopping him. As soon as he scored I knew Rangers wouldn't get back into the game and I knew he would get another. He is pretty amazing to watch when he's on a confidence mission. Long may it continue, though I know it won't.

Rogne I have to say was bang on today. It was quite strange seeing him be the strong centre back who kept the striker Miller under control, whereas at the other end Bougherra was doing the opposite with Samaras. I'm not as impressed with Forrest as you are, but I haven't watched him play at any other time this season so I suppose this could be down to context. Rare for McGregor to make a mistake in the manner he did, too, but he's the exact opposite type of player to Samaras - he needs knocking down a peg or two every so often as he gets cocky all too easily.


I'd still have to disagree on the quality of the game though; even when Celtic played alright in the second half, it was still turgid and dull. At one point in the first half I thought it was going to kick into high gear at least temper-wise, which if nothing else makes for something of a spectacle, but it never really seemed to, which probably helped Celtic more if anything.

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but surely a minute's silence is just asking for the more *ahem* fervent Celtic fans to sing through it. I suppose there will probably have been one or two Celtic fans who died in the tragedy due to being in the wrong end, but I very much doubt that'll matter to them.

Like I said - hate-filled bile.


I honestly don't believe that Rangers Football Club did anything today to try and provoke Celtic fans. The Ibrox Stadium Disaster is a day which will always unite the Celtic and Rangers supports. It was never, ever in any kind of danger of being tarnished today. The tragedy was marked quite poignantly, as it should have been.


not going to complain about the 2 penaltys that should have been awarded to us, lafferty being taken down with a straight leg and the hand ball from wilson? because we didn't deserve it on that display.

But you'll mention it anyway? :laugh:


The first one you mention, Laugherty did his usual dying swan act. Absolutely no contact from (I think) Mark Wilson.


The second one, a free-kick was awarded against Kyle for his push on Wilson. Whether or not there was a handball is irrelevant due to Laugherty's foul.

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I can't believe that the Lafferty "penalty shout" is even being discussed. You can clearly see his leg rise over Wilson's and he fell to the ground trying to get a shot away.


Anyways, I'm away out to get pished and celebrate. God bless the Glasgow Celtic.

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