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Dragon Gate UK : Shingo v Yokosuka 2 DVD Released!

Mark Sloan

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21/8/10 Update


In this update :


Main Event Announced for night 2

Semi Final Tag Team Match for Night 2

Jonny Storm out of Invasion 2, Replacement announced!

Mark Haskins piece on Slam Wrestling Canada

FSM57 Out Now - Shingo Speaks!!

Huge Lion Kid Interview

Front Row Tickets?

Ticket Update

News and Notes

Announcement Schedule


Main Event for Night 2 Announced



Mark Haskins & Pac V CIMA & Dragon Kid

Dragon Gate UK is very proud that several UK stars have seen action in the Dragon Gate promotion in Japan. PAC has been a member of the group for some time now, and is as much a Dragon Gate star as he is a UK star these days. The same can also be said for Mark Haskins. One of the UK

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Jumping on the bandwagon a little bit here, but due to a most unfortunate clash in dates, I cannot attend either of the Dragon Gate shows any more, and I too am looking to offload my tickets for both nights. Last year's show was undisputedly the best night of wrestling action in the UK in 2009 and I hazard a guess that the 2010 shows will be far and away the best of this year - which makes the fact that I can't be there live all the more gutting.


I'm not looking to profit on the tickets - just hopefully get my money back, so I'm looking for face value. I've got GA for Broxbourne (

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Sad to see johny out, but a good shout on stixx, im glad hes starting to get the appreciation he deserves! After the shows i'll knock up a win/loss league table for all DG:UK shows. A bit geeky, but one or two have shown interest!


Am very much looking forward to the shows!

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2 great looking matches there to finish off the card :) although having said that with Storm out I was hoping for maybe Fleisch to take his place given their similar style, still Stixx will put on a great match too.

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So, yeah, just because we're well under the three week mark and I'm stupidly excited for the show, here are some thoughts/predictions.


Night 1 - Shingo vs Yokosuka II




I think these two teams are very similiar at the core when you think about it. Both Sabre Jnr and Dynamite are the work-horses of the team, there to get down to the no-nonsense wrestling. Whereas Scurll and Whiplash bring more personality and flair to their matches. Not saying that they don't more than hold up the wrestling end of their team at all, but where Dynamite and Sabre Jnr will be treating this as a wrestling contest, and trying to one up in the other with their mat wrestling, I can definitely see Scurll and Whiplash trying to out-do each other on a different level entirely that should keep the match very entertaining. I'm definitely looking forward to all combinations mixing it up, especially Whiplash's reaction to Sabre Jnr's lethal kicks. I'm not quite sure who's going to win this contest, even with the IPW:UK Tag Team Title's on the line (if that still is the case?). This may be the 'dark match' of the evening, but it's the one with the most on stake ironically. I think we could see new champions crowd to kick off the start of what should be a fantastic weekend.




I can't lie, I do think the inclusion of Joey Hayes on this show was an odd one. The guy definitely deserves the exposure and then some, but when you think of the Dragon Gate look and style of a wrestler, you'd think his tag team partner in Northern Xposure, CJ Banks, would have been more likely. But, still, Hayes appearence on this card definitely freshen thinks up. Because while this is round one of Cyber Kong destroying British wrestlers, it's definitely going to be a completely different match to the one he's going to have against Marty Scurll the next night. I this match will be more akin to Kong's matches against BxB Hulk and Susumu Yokosuka this year, where Hayes is definitely going to have to use his speed advantage to it's maximum potential, but he will have to rock the monster with strikes. And as we've seen with NX's feud with The LDRs in the FWA, Hayes definitely has some striking ability of his own with those kicks. But, I still reckon Kong's plan to destroy British Wrestlers will have success on the first night.




One thing that unites Haskins and Lion Kid is that since the first DG UK show, both have gone from strength to strength and gotten better in each passing performance. And their big encounter where LK won the IPW:UK Cruiserweight Title from Haskins occured fairly shortly afterwards the DG show, so both have progressed and gotten better since then. You could argue that Haskins definitely has done more in this past year, currently on his second tour with DG in Japan, and he definitely has the experience edge over Lion Kid. But the Kid hasn't been slacking himself, facing some of the best Cruiserweight wrestlers on the UK scene, as well as Taiji Ishimori from Japan. I definitely think that, even without the big stage, that Haskins and Lion Kid would go all out to try and steal the show and better their match from last November. But with this match occuring on what can now be seen as Haskins 'home turf' for Dragon Gate UK, I think Haskins will gain a measure of revenge from last year and beat the Lion Kid. But unlike the write-up for this match, I don't think Haskins will heel it up either and that he'll continue to be the same guy we've seen in IPW:UK recently.




For a match that was only the semi-main event last time, with people more thinking ahead to the 6-man main event, I'm not going to say that people weren't already expecting a great match, I just don't think we were expecting *THAT* amazing match. So quite rightly the re-match that everybody in The Regal last year was so eager to see gets the show named after it. But hang on a minute here.... This is the THIRD match on the card? This is the match before intermission??? Well, I can tell you now, if this match even manages to be as good as last years, nevermind better, then the crowd will need a chance to cool off and take a break in order to calm down after getting worked into a frenzy. It is crazy to think that Shingo was severely under the weather at the time and still managed to put on the match of the night, so I guess that will work against them as the fans will demand more than what they got last year. And I'll be honest, I wasn't that up on my DG knowledge so Yokosuka was just "some guy" to me at that point and it took just one singles match to really win me over, and from following Dragon Gate avidly this year I've not seen Yokosuka put a step wrong as he appears to have really found his feet as a veteran and become one of the more consistent guys on the roster. And Shingo, in the space of a month I watched his hair vs hair match against BxB Hulk which is definitely my favourite Dragon Gate contest of this year and then some, to seeing his match against Bryan Danielson at DG USA's 1st Year Anniversary Show, and that was the best singles match I've seen live this year (up to this point although it'll take some beating), so I know how much of a roll he's on at this time. I think Shingo will get his win back, but either way, I just hope that these two somehow, someway manage to better their match from last year and more than earn the rights to the shows name.




So what match do you come back from intermission with, following what may very well be an even better re-match of last years best match on British soil? Oh, I don't know, how about a re-match of a match that main evented Dragon Gate's 10 year Anniversary PPV only six short months ago? How does that sound? Well, in all honesty, it sounds too good to be true. But.. Here we are. And, let me tell you, I loved their match from six months ago, with YAMATO doing all he could to hold on against Doi and try and fulfill his destiny of sitting on top of Dragon Gate, as Doi tried to hold onto his spot that he'd worked on and earnt for over a year, as he struggled to try and put YAMATO away. But I think this match will have a different dynamic. There, YAMATO was trying to prove he deserved to be Dragon Gate's #1 guy. Now, he's been that guy and he more than held his own before he lost that spot to Yoshino. But Doi, ever since he lost to YAMATO has fallen down hard since then and needs to start building some momentum if he doesn't want to slip further and further away from Dream Gate contendership. And YAMATO doesn't want what happened to Doi to happen to him in turn. So I can see both men being a bit more desperate and anxious to get the win. And... I really can't pick a winner. I love YAMATO, but personally I'm going to be pulling for Doi, although I wouldn't be surprised to see his losing streak continue.




On paper this looks even better than last year's six-man. Dragon Kid and Yoshino get to continue their rivalry and build upon the match they had last year. BxB Hulk and Masaaki Mochizuki had a fantastic match at DG USA's 1YA (until a fucked up finish) so I can't wait to see their strike exchanges. And I wouldn't be surprised if an issue between PAC and CIMA gets highlighted in this match after what occured last year, and what could bleed into the next nights main event. There's just going to be so much good stuff in here - Yoshino vs Dragon Kid, PAC vs Dragon Kid, CIMA vs PAC, CIMA vs Yoshino, Hulk vs Mochizuki, Mochizuki kicking the hell out of smaller speedy guys, CIMA being CIMA, PAC daring to go for something absolutely nutty like his dive onto a Young Buck last year, etc etc. And whereas World-1 are a cohesive unit who have teamed together many times, Warriors + Mochizuki do have some experience together. In fact this exact team were supposed to take on F.I.S.T in CHIKARA until Dragon Kid's injury and subsequent replacement with Super Shenlong, and those two teams managed to have a fantastic much. So here expect for a balls to the wall 15/20 minute sprint that is an excellent cap-off to the night. As for the winners? Well, other than the fans, I'm going to go for World-1 to repeat last years performance.


Night 2 - Invasion 2




I'll be honest, the match I'm least looking forward to over the entire weekend, especially since Storm had to drop out (and I never thought I'd ever say that). I've only seen Xtreme Dean the once (I think?) in an alright match with Danielson. So I guess this will be a first true test of what he can do, at least for me. Stixx is a guy you can depend on to have a solid match, but I've only really seen him have the one type of singles match - Which he does do really well admittedly. And fortunately Xtreme Dean does look to be that type of opponent he will work better to Stixx's strength. So I'm just expecting an "okay" match and hope to be pleasently surprised on the day. I guess Stixx will pick up the win, the guy does deserve it




See, this could be the same match as the dark match before it. But with Scurll's personality, fire and wrestling ability, and Kong being a different kind of monster to Stixx, I definitely think this will be leagues ahead of it. I'm actually looking forward to what these two are going to bring to the table, and I hope it's similiar to the Kong/Tozawa match. I actually could see a face Scurll try and infuriate Kong with his mouth and actions, all just to try and infuriate him so much into making a mistake that could cost him the match.




Not a match I was expecting, but one I am very happy to get. It's one thing to say "this is going to be the biggest test and match of your career", but when you're going to be facing the current Champion and top face of an international company you one day hope to be invited too.... That is a lot of pressure to put on yourself. And we all remember Wade's performance for NOAH..... But I hope the guy can put that behind him, concentrate only on having the best match he can possibly have, and I'm sure he and Yoshino will have a cracker. Yeah, Yoshino's going to win it, but I hope LK continues to further win over the audience and hopefully win over the DG office. I just know as long as he doesn't let the pressure get to him like it has in the past, he may have a lot better showing than what people are expecting.




Again another match I may not have ever considered, but one I am extremely fortunate to be able to have the opportunity to see live. And while I said earlier that Yokosuka has been one of the more consistent performers on the Dragon Gate roster, in the past year since the beginnings of his feud with Katsuhiko Nakajima, Mochizuki has stepped up his game and is wrestling and looking like a much younger man, but still with the experience and edge of a veteran. He's had great singles matches involving the FIP Title and took YAMATO to what probably was the best Title match of his reign. I recently watched the singles match they had over the Mochizuki surname that Alan kindly posted (And again, thank you for that) and it was funny to see an unchanged Yokosuka and a younger looking (and a little bit chubbier as well) Mochizuki. But whereas that match was all Masaaki on fire with Yokosuka battling back and using M2K's distraction to his benefit (Genki Horiguchi with hair was an odd sight let me tell you), I reckon this match will be a more even affair. I definitely think Yokosuka was the right guy to have the two big singles matches over the weekend, and he's definitely got the right opponents here as well. As for winner...... Mochizuki if nothing but for tradition. But I will feel bad about Yokosuka having lost both matches.




Shingo vs Hulk! Doi vs YAMATO! Shingo vs Doi! Do you have any idea how much intensity and hatred is going to be contained in this ring??? To see Shingo vs Hulk in some shape or form live and in person is a dream come true as they have had an almost perfect long-standing feud, and you can definitely tell that it's nowhere near over. And here they get the first opportunity to bring their feud to another country (at least match wise) and I'm sure the two will step it up accordingly. And I bet the loser from Doi/YAMATO the night before will be even more encouraged to try and get the win as a matter of revenge. Let me just say that "hard hitting" sold this match short as I'm sure these four are going to batter the hell out of each other. And much like the match before it, I'm at a loss for winner. I do think if Doi was victorious the night before, the Shingo/YAMATO will get the win here just so YAMATO can get a victory over Doi and for Shingo to further frustrate Hulk by forever getting the victory over him.




After this match, I wouldn't be surprised if Haskins is accepted full time into World-1 when he returns to Japan for his third trip. I saw the beginnings of this team have the MOTN at IPW:UK not that long back, and that was actually the best tag match I've seen live this year (and this includes American Wolves vs Young Bucks, QuackSaw vs Young Bucks & The LDRs vs Project Ego, so it's no faint praise) and that was in part due to how well PAC and Haskins gelled together from the get go. Now they've had the experience of teaming with each other several times against some of Dragon Gate's best tag teams, I know they're going to be all the better together for it. If they go all out and everything clicks on the night... This may actually be the sleeper match of the entire weekend and a more than fitting finale to the end of what promises to be an amazing weekend. And, once again, I can't really pick a favourite to win here. I guess CIMA ultimately deserves to finally be on the winning end of a main event in England.

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iv sent mark an email about this but just encase he's too busy, what time did the show end last year for those who attended, if i were to travel by train sunday i need to get a train at 22.30, taking into account gettin a taxi to the station after the show does this sound possible?

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  • Paid Members
iv sent mark an email about this but just encase he's too busy, what time did the show end last year for those who attended, if i were to travel by train sunday i need to get a train at 22.30, taking into account gettin a taxi to the station after the show does this sound possible?

The shows are Friday and Saturday.

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