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Pro-Wrestling:EVE News & Events Thread


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If you're interested in finding out more about Ice Ribbon, check out sister promotion 19 Pro on Ustream every Friday at 11am, our time. It's a free, hour long show, featuring two matches - the first is involving rookies, and the second is for the more experienced wrestlers.


I watched today's show because I was off work. Check out my thoughts - along with all the links - here.

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This past weekend saw Pro-Wrestling:EVE reach it's first anniversary and to celebrate we have TWO announcements!


Firstly to celebrate our 1 Year Anniversary for a limited time only we're releasing this match for free view on YouTube featuring one of the biggest stars to emerge from Pro-Wrestling:EVE in the form of Alpha Female facing the biggest challenge of her career in the EVE singles d

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  • 3 weeks later...

One Championship Defence Down, Second Championship Defence Approaches


Pro-Wrestling:EVE Champion Britani Knight defended her title for the first time this past Sunday at Project Nightclub, Norwich at the WAW May Mayhem event against the 17 year old wrestling prodigy Liberty. The two had a great back and forth encounter that in the end was won by the defending champion after catching a crossbody block and turning it into the Knight-Light (package DDT/fisherman buster) for the victory. The match was recorded and will be featured on a future Pro-Wrestling:EVE DVD.


Britani Knight is now preparing for her second Championship defence which will be taking place next Saturday (June 4) at The Carleton in Morecambe, Lancashire where the 18 year old will defend against 'The Female Fight Machine' Jenny Sjodin.




The pair each hold one win over another stemming from the first leg of the Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship Tournament.


The Championship Tournament was laid out with six first round matches - one of which was a Last Chance Battle Royal whereby all the losers of the first round matches would get one last chance to make it to the Quarter-Finals. Britani Knight and Jenny Sjodin found themselves on opposite sides of the ring in a first round match and it was Sjodin who took the victory making Britani Knight tap out to her primary finishing hold - the cross arm breaker. By virtue of the win Jenny Sjodin advanced to the Quarter-Finales where as Britani Knight would now need to win the Last Chance Battle Royal in order to get back into the Championship Tournament.


Britani did just that. Lastly eliminating heavyweight Destiny along with both Carmel & SMT of The Glamour Gym Britani won the Last Chance Battle Royal and earned a place back in the Quarter-Finals of the Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship Tournament. However her Quarter-Final match would take place immediately and would be against the very same EVE Professional who submitted her earlier in the evening 'The Female Fight Machine' Jenny Sjodin.


This time the match had a different ending. Despite constant and vicious attacks to the arm of Britani Knight the 18 year old was able to hoist the 25 year old Sweden native up and drop her head first with the most brutal looking version of the Knight Light we've ever seen and keeping the Grappling Gold Medallist down for the 3 count. Britani Knight had avenged her earlier defeat to Jenny Sjodin and earned a place in the Semi-Finals of the Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship Tournament.


Despite having to compete in 3 matches as oppose to two in order to get to the Semi-Finals and despite seriously suffering from glandular fever the 18 year old Britani Knight would go on to win the Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship Tournament and become the first EVE Champion.


With the Jenny Sjodin and Britani Knight tied after the weekend at 1 win each EVE Management decided that made Sjodin the number 1 contender to the Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship and a 3rd and deciding match between the two should take place.


The match was agreed and made for Saturday June 4 at The Carleton in Morecambe as part of the XWA 'War On The Shore 7' event following the announcement of a working relationship between XWA and Pro-Wrestling:EVE.


Shortly after defending her EVE Championship for the first time against Liberty last weekend Britani Knight posted on her twitter account



"Hard weekend of wrestling. Thank you to everyone involved :) retained my EVE title. Bring on @JennySjdin !!"


The simple comments of 'Bring On Jenny Sjodin' seemed to anger the 25 year old Grappling Gold Medallist as soon a 'Twitter War' between the duo erupted.


Jenny replied (@JennySjdin):

"I see @BritaniKnight is confident. She should know by now I'm a sportsman & intentionally didn't break her arm. Next time I wont be as nice."


A retaliating Britani Knight tweeted:

"@jennysjdin ok sports man. Bring it on!"


When Britani Knight later tweeted "Weekend off. Bam!" it led to Sjodin responding and the pair going back and forth as shown below:


Jenny Sjodin:

"@BritaniKnight you sure that's intelligent? I'm wrestling all weekend & my IQ scores over 130. Be sensible."


Britani Knight:

"@JennySjdin what's any of that got to do with our match? Lol"


Jenny Sjodin:

"@BritaniKnight just saying rest isn't a good way to success. I doubt you'll be "lol" after next weekend, to express myself in your terms."


Britani Knight:

"@JennySjdin I think it's a smart move since it's my only weekend off in a good few months. You might be like that one day Sjodin ;)"


Britani continued..

"@jennysjdin at least I'll have some energy with this weekend of rest. I probably won't need much of it with you though."



It seemed the war of words was won by Britani Knight as at this point Jenny stopped responding to the EVE Champion. The only thing we then heard from the Brazilian jiu-jitsu specialist was perhaps a message to the current reigning Champion with the following tweet:

"I've missed MMA. Today's class included kicking people in the head..."


This match has passed the levels of simple professionalism and now has more personal emotions attached to it as mind games are played by both champion and challenger all because it is for the most prestigious prize in European female professional wrestling the Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship.


Make sure you're at The Carleton in Morecambe on Saturday June 4 for the Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship Grudge Match between the defending champion Britani Knight and challenger Jenny Sjodin at XWA War On The Shore 7.


Tickets are available now at www.XWAwrestling.com

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Following the recent twitter war that erupted between Pro-Wrestling:EVE Champion Britani Knight and 'The Female Fight Machine' Jenny Sjodin, Sjodin decided to take things one step further and record a video message from her Northern Shooters Gym ahead of their Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship match this coming Saturday at XWA at The Carleton in Morecambe.


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  • 2 months later...

Quoted from Ringbelles


Pro Wrestling: EVE say "Just to clarify, naturally all tickets will be valid for new venue just as anyone no longer able to make it to the new venue can be refunded. Going through pros and cons in which back up venue to go with. Soon as we've made a decision we'll let you know".


Also, XWA have a weekend of wrestling planned Oct 8th-9th...Maybe we'll see Eve Vs Ice Ribbon at Morecombe? :)

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Arguably the most important women's championship match to occur in Europe takes place tonight in Malmo, Sweden in a first time ever cross promotional Title v Title match when Pro-Wrestling:EVE Champion 'The Female Fight Machine' Jenny Sjodin [sweden] takes on the Nordic Women's Wrestling Alliance Champion Aurora Flame [Finland].




Aurora Flame not only originally won the NWWA Championship by defeating 'The Female Fight Machine' in the tournament finals (albeit with some outside interference) on May 2nd 2011 but also successfully retained her NWWA Championship against Sjodin in a rematch just 5 days later (again featuring some questionable tactics as Aurora used Sjodin's tights for leverage in gaining the win). Now Sjodin is getting her third and perhaps final chance to win the NWWA championship but it's coming at a very high price indeed for Sjodin's Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship will also be on the line.


Yes, Aurora Flame did win both matches against Sjodin via questionable means but don't go thinking this is the only way Flame can win matches - far from it. Aurora Flame is a VERY capable professional wrestler and is a part of the very successful FightClub Finland promotion who you may have seen or heard about thanks in part to their affiliation with the Japanese SMASH promotion run by former WWE / ECW star Yoshihiro Tajiri. Opponents of Flame need to keep an eye out for her blink and you'll miss it sudden death stunner, sit out side-winder slam and dangerous powerbombs or they will quickly find themselves looking at the lights. You can see for yourself why Flame is arguably the biggest threat in Europe today to Sjodin's EVE Championship by taking a look at the finals of the NWWA women's championship match between Aurora Flame and Jenny Sjodin by going to:


Regardless of the outcome Sjodin will be competing at Pro-Wrestling:EVE's EVE vs Ice Ribbon events on October 8 and 9, however should Aurora Flame get the victory retaining her NWWA Championship and becoming the new Pro-Wrestling:EVE Champion then it has already been agreed that Sjodin will get a rematch for the Pro-Wrestling:EVE championship on October 8 as part of the EVE vs Ice Ribbon Weekend.


This huge Title v Title Match takes place tonight at Tangopalatset in Malmo, Sweden for the SWS Pro Wrestling promotion. For more information on SWS check out their website at http://www.wrestlingsyd.se . We're fortunate at EVE to have a great fan following in Sweden and so we recommend anyone who can get there do so and watch this history making match that is also being recorded and featured on a future Pro-Wrestling:EVE DVD!


Right from the get go we at Pro-Wrestling:EVE stated that our mission was to showcase to the rest of the world just how great the European female wrestling scene is and how highly competitive the Professionals of EVE are. Evidence of this itself was shown when the first Pro-Wrestling:EVE Champion Britani Knight lost the EVE Championship to Sweden's 'Female Fight Machine' in just her second title defence and now here we are looking at a scenario where Sjodin could very likely lose the Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship in her FIRST title defence against the woman who is 2 and 0 against her in NWWA battles - Aurora Flame.




Jenny Sjodin recently recorded comments for for the NWWA Champion which you can see by clicking the following link.



The Pro-Wrestling:EVE Champion is also featured in this months FSM in the 'One To Watch' section. FSM is available to buy NOW at WH Smith and other good newsagents.


Sjodin was also the subject of an article in her native Sweden and interviewed on Women's Mixed Martial Arts radio show WMMA News provided by Wombat Sports where she not only discussed her wrestling career but also training with CageWarriors & BoDog Fight Women's Champion Rosi Sexton, winning Gold and Silver Medals in the worlds top Grappling competitions in New Jersey, USA and Paris, France and much more.






In other EVE news, 'The Lancashire Terrier' April Davids recently returned from Ice Ribbon following a months training at their Dojo. Davids made quite the impression as we at EVE received many emails from the office of Ice Ribbon saying how impressed they were with the 'European Empire' member and how it's made them even more motivated and looking forward to the EVE v Ice Ribbon Series on October 8 and 9.


An argument can be made that EVE drew first blood ahead of the battle with Ice Ribbon as April Davids came back with an impressive Win / Loss Record after winning 4 matches, losing just 2 matches and going to 2 time limit draws. One of April's victories also came on the weekly 19Pro live Ustream show where Davids pinned the Ice Ribbon ICEx60 Champion Tsukasa Fujimoto with her Deadlift German Suplex. April's time in Japan aso garnered her and EVE a lot of publicity as you can see below




April Davids is also featured in this months FSM and will be a guest on the WMMA Radio Show from Wombat Sports this Sunday at 9pm UK time which you can listen to at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wombatsports/...-april-davids-1




Pro-Wrestling:EVE continues with it's working relationships with other promotions as both Southside Wrestling Entertainment and NWA-UK Hammerlock will feature official Pro-Wrestling:EVE contests.




The Pro-Wrestling:EVE contest for this show features 'The Lancashire Terrier' April Davids [3W, 4L, 1D; European Empire] vs 'The Fightin' Irish' Rhia O'Reilly [2W, 6L; No Gym Affiliation] in what is a back-story contest and will be the first one on one match between the two.


Tickets are available NOW from http://www.nwahammerlock.com/shop/event-tickets





The Pro-Wrestling:EVE contest for this event features two fan favourites in Super Janey B [2W, 3L; No Gym Affiliation] and Rhia O'Reilly [2W 6L; No Gym Affiliation] going one on one in a match that will no doubt showcase the type of sporting professional wrestling contests that perhaps fans aren't used to seeing on their television screens. Currently it's Super Janey B that is coming into this contest with the most momentum after 2 consecutive wins - one of which was the semi-main event of the last Pro-Wrestling:EVE event alongside Alpha Female against The Glamour Gym which saw EVE's resident Super Hero pin Carmel Jacob. However by the time this match comes around Rhia O'Reilly could be on a run of her own should she have defeated April Davids on Aug 27.


Tickets are available NOW from http://www.nbw-southside.com/




For up to date EVE news including the upcoming announcement of Pro-Wrestling:EVE's new venue/s for the upcoming Pro-Wrestling:EVE vs Ice Ribbon Shows stay tuned to EVE on Twitter @ProWrestlingEVE

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Great to see Jenny, April and EVE getting more attention.


Any update on the location of October's weekender?


We already had several venues booked as back ups just in case something was to happen HOWEVER a new business proposal which could see a lot of fans benefiting arose yesterday and we're currently trying to work out the finer details of that.

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Jenny Sjodin [sweden] both successfully retained her Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship and won the NWWA Championship tonight forcing her opponent in the Title v Title match Aurora Flame [Finland] to tap out to the cross arm-breaker!


This brings Jenny's Win Loss Record to 6 Wins, 3 Losses, 1 Draw.


Everyone at Pro-Wrestling:EVE sends their congratulations to 'The Female Fight Machine'.


The match was recorded and will feature as a bonus match on an upcoming EVE DVD release.

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