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MMA: Past Fight Discussion

Egg Shen

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His face has barely changed!

Whilst he's not an ugly man, I don't understand why so many women seem happy to drop their pants for him. I think daddy issues is a good call though. He isn't really that famous, though he is rich, and has big muscles...

Edited by deathrey
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He isn't really that famous, though he is rich, and has big muscles...


He's no worldwide superstar but where he lives in Vegas, he'd be pretty famous. Especially back around the time of TUF 1. The UFC seemed to attract more celebrities then as well. Now you might see the odd basketball player or whatever but in 2005-06 you'd have Michael Clark-Duncan going nuts front row, you'd have the likes of George Clooney, Pamela Anderson, Cindy Crawford and Dolph Lungdren show up as well. It seemed like the place to be seen in Vegas during the Chuck Liddell era.


And Randy was one of the biggest names in the UFC at that time. I'm sure he'd be seen as quite a catch by the camera craving, Vegas party girl types (or "fake titty mutant chicks" as Nick Diaz calls them) who held Paris Hilton up as a role model.


But yeah, I'm sure the old HGH muscles help. Randy was the Buff 'Daddy' of MMA.

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It is easy to forget Randy is in great shape for a pensioner.


Liddel is the one that baffles me, it has to his status as a god in Vegas that helps him pull them in. GSP and Anderson would be quids in if they spent a second in Vegas if the results of Chuck and Randy are anything to go by.

Edited by jimufctna24
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Jim, no, Chuck is pretty attractive, he definitely has that something that makes him massively attractive to women, even with his beer gut and everything. I know many women, including myself that think Chuck is hot

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I'm going to stop short of calling Chuck a little hottie, he's not really my type. But he certainly has a charisma to him. He has the cool factor more than Randy ever did. He paints his toenails though, that must go against him surely.

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It's funny how things worked out with Chuck and Randy. A few years ago Randy had this seemingly bulletproof image as the ultimate nice guy in MMA, and Chuck was the guy partying, sitting in the crowd at UFCs all coked up, falling asleep on morning talkshows and shagging about like he was given a week to live.


Now, everyone knows about Randy's knobbing and cheating, and his ex boss is ripping the arse out of him and saying the nice guy act was all bollocks. And Chuck is the one who's settled down and got married.


When you think about it, Chuck did it right. You do kind of think if he'd lived a cleaner life he could have maybe added a few years onto his career, but when you really think about it, he made the most out of it all. He was able to have a great career, make a load of money, have fun and get all the partying and shagging around out if his system and when the time came to get out, he did that, settled down and got married and he seems happy with life now. Good on him.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Haha, it was me, and I stand by it Jim! Chael has a wonky face.


Wand hit the nail on the head there, there is something about Chuck's attitude and charisma that makes him very attractive, its the way he carries himself. He does lose a couple of points from me for the painted nails, I like my men very manly, but some women love that stuff.


Edit: I agree with you Wand, Chuck did everything he did, had a great career and had a ball whilst doing it, and now seems to have retired to a pretty sweet life. For the record, I always thought Chuck came across as a decent guy, thought I may be a little biased!

Edited by deathrey
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Pah, no taste :p


Wand makes some decent points, but the Bad Blood DVD and the TUF he did in 2010 made my opinion of Chuck go down slightly, he came across as bitter on both and seemed he could not let the Tito thing go. Before that I really liked him and always supported him. For a UFC production they did not half make Dana and Chuck look like dickheads on that DVD, and Tito came across quite well, which I would speculate was not the intention.


I do agree though the difference between Chuck and Randy, Matt Hughes of all people seemingly figured this out in 2005 when he was still BFF with Liddel even though he was shagging about but was open about his lifestyle, but fell out with Randy for cheating and pretending he was something he was not in Hughes's eyes.


Good on Chuck for sorting his life out, if 2007 is anything to go by it could have been very sad for Liddel if he had continued his ways. I will always be a Liddel fan as he was one of my first favorite fighters when I got into MMA.

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I thought that Bad Blood DVD was a bit harsh on Tito as well but I thought Dana was the harsher one. I can see why Chuck still dislikes Tito. For a fighter like Chuck who never ducked anyone, the way Tito dodged him from 2002-2003 made Chuck lose all respect for him. Chuck got fucked about there and played second fiddle to Tito for ages despite being the better fighter.


I'm sure Chuck's over that part now and content enough with his career and life to let that go. I think the real problem he has now with Tito was around the whole TUF 11 time where Tito publicly talked about Chuck having alcohol/drug problems and Dana having to step in and save him. Chuck denies this but whether Tito was telling the truth or not, he was talking out of turn and being a slimy cunt with those comments. Either he was telling the truth - pretty low to blab about a man's personal issues to the media. Or he made it up which is even worse. Trash talk is all fine and dandy but I disagree when it crosses the line to where it can effect a guy's personal life/family.


And then of course, Tito pulling out of the third Chuck fight. Let's be honest Tito didn't even deserve that fight after being stopped by Chuck twice already. But Chuck still agreed to it. Chuck said before filming even began that he thought Tito would do TUF for the publicity, then pull out of the fight. And look what happened. He was spot on. I can absolutely understand Chuck's anger. I'm not saying Tito was faking the neck injury. He clearly wasn't, the very graphic footage of his surgery is out there. But I do think he knew he needed surgery when he agreed to do TUF and fight Chuck again, and I think he probably planned it how it happened, so he could pull out with the injury and not lose face.


I'm on Team Chuck in this one.


I think your Matt Hughes part of your post is spot on Jim. It's the perceived false front with Randy that I think harms him. Whereas Chuck put himself and his faults out there for all to see.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Chuck was quite open about his lifestyle and never pretended to be someone he wasn't. Another thing that is worth pointing out is that Randy seemed to do a lot of adultery where as Chuck just seemed to sleep around a lot, two very different things.

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I'm sure Chuck's over that part now and content enough with his career and life to let that go.

I have heard he is not, a forumer who knows Chuck personally on the Underground Forum said he spoke with Chuck recently and he still really hates Tito. Fair enough Tito should not have blabbed to the media. I do think that Tito would be willing to making amends though but Chuck seems to hold a grudge.


For what it is worth, I think Tito has a higher opinion on Chuck than he does Randy from what I have read. He is another he has said Randy is a bit disloyal and not what he seems.

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He might have held a grudge but I think his reasons are fair enough. Especially the stuff about Chuck's drinking. If it was true then that wasn't Tito's place to make it public, if it wasn't true then he's a tosser for making shit up. I'm not surprised Chuck doesn't want to make friends really.


I've never heard that about Tito saying Randy was disloyal. I always thought they got on alright.

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Tito was not pleased that Randy trained Forrest to face him. Something about Tito felt a need for loyalty after he had trained with Randy in the past. Tito seemed to think like that with Chuck, that if you train together you should stay loyal to each other.


I agree with what you are saying Wand, but Tito made those comments in a way like "he was proud of Chuck for beating his demons" now whether he was being disingenuous and a bit of a wolf in sheep's clothing is open for debate.


I agree he should not have said anything anyway though.

Edited by jimufctna24
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