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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Haven't watched Memento in years, I'm sure I own it on DVD though. Did Criterion start releasing DVDs over here? I feel like I bought some fancy rerelease at some point.


I like Inception and the Batman films as well. I don't recall Insomnia. I've definitely seen it, I remember it coming out when I worked at Blockbuster. It didn't leave an impression though.


Anyone seen his film Following?

I've never watched it, but he was one of the hero stories of aspiring filmmakers a decade ago. Shot it at weekends for no money, etc etc, and a year or two later he was making Memento. I like the concept of Following, but nothing else about it, based on the trailer. Looks like shit (came out in 1998, looks like 1958), and with terrible actors. Edited by King Pitcos
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Ive had a week of watching some old favs:


Tombstone - bloody brilliant film and Kilmer is godly in it.


16 Blocks - Bruce Willis and Mos Def in a 'Fugitive' meets 'Speed' meets any other action movie. It was actually pretty good and i was impressed with Mos.


and a couple of Docu films:


King of Kong - One mans battle with the Donkey Kong Arcade game and the fight against corruption surrounding the highest score. Pretty cool watch.


Hoop Dreams - Story following a couple of kids trying to work their way up the basket ball ranks and juggling school work. Best Doc ever as far as im concerned!

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Couple of movies watched this weekend, The Devil's Advocate and The Dilemma. Pacino is something else. Vince Vaughan not so much. Not sure why The Dilemma was even on Sky Movies Comedy channel?! Not funny in the slightest but on the whole daft and a waste of 2 hours.

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Has anyone seen Cosmopolis?


Nobody? :(


I've read the book but I'm looking forward to the film and how the setting works, hasnt been shown anywhere in Belfast yet, think it starts next week actually so I'll get back to you in a week or so.

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I saw Cosmopolis with a group of friends a couple of weeks ago and we all pretty much hated it.


I nearly fell asleep during it and I heard many other people in the cinema sighing loudly and appearing clearly annoyed by it all.


Saying that, I thought Vampire Boy was great in the lead despite the film itself being a load of shit. I reckon he could do a Di Caprio and become a serious, well-respected actor.


Very disappointing stuff from Cronenberg who is a favourite of mine.

Edited by Amazing_Red_Fan
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Saying that, I thought Vampire Boy was great in the lead despite the film itself being a load of shit. I reckon he could do a Di Caprio and become a serious, well-respected actor.

Leo was already respected as a top-notch actor before his teen blockbuster phase.

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Saying that, I thought Vampire Boy was great in the lead despite the film itself being a load of shit. I reckon he could do a Di Caprio and become a serious, well-respected actor.

Leo was already respected as a top-notch actor before his teen blockbuster phase.
He was? Only thing I can think of is The Basketball Diaries (which he is great in) but I don't know how much of an impact that performance made on the general public and the acting community.
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Saying that, I thought Vampire Boy was great in the lead despite the film itself being a load of shit. I reckon he could do a Di Caprio and become a serious, well-respected actor.

Leo was already respected as a top-notch actor before his teen blockbuster phase.
He was? Only thing I can think of is The Basketball Diaries (which he is great in) but I don't know how much of an impact that performance made on the general public and the acting community.
Well there is Whats Eating Gilbert Grape for which he got nominated for an Oscar....
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Watched God Bless America. Frank, a middle-aged man, is diagnosed as terminally ill and, sick of everything, goes around shooting society's most irritating and undeserving people, such as vacuous reality TV stars and fearmongering right-wingers.


I actually agreed with the movie (not the executing people part, obviously), but it had some big flaws. Frank's rants are so condensed and preachy that it hurts the momentum (it's kind of like a blog post massively padded out into a script), he's joined by a young girl who hates Juno but comes across as very Juno-ish (mixed with Mathilda from Leon the Professional), it's odd to hear Frank talk about the lack of taste in right-wing radio talk show jokes when this is a dark comedy about murdering people, and the ending is really contrived.


The performances are decent, though, and so is the direction (if not a bit heavyhanded in a couple of places). But it's a largely movie that you'd watch just for the sake of what its targets are; the Tea Party, mollycoddled teens, bigots, incosiderate people and fame whores.

Edited by Vice
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Watched Friends With Benefits last night. Only worth watching because Mila Kunis is half naked half the time. That's a shallow opinion but deeper than the the film. What most annoyed me about it is that the film has some sneery opinions of shit, predictable rom-coms but is exactly that. So either they didn't take their own advice or they weren't as clever with it as they thought. Had a few funny lines and Timberlake and Kunis were good with what they had. Vomit inducing for the most part though.

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Watched Limitless last night, really enjoyed it. Good performance from Dominic Cooper and a mental concept that they just about managed to make believably difficult for the lead character to manage. Like a lot of films where characters are given untold riches (be it financial or otherwise), it's a bit difficult to suspend disbelief when it gets to them experiencing unforeseen issues, but there was enough going on here to make it work.


I appreciated the orange filter for limitless life, grey for hard times too. Makes it easier for the birds, and stops you getting nudged with a daftarse question off her half way through.

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I'm going to watch Inception tonight. I was going to finally watch The Dark Knight, but is there actually any point? I know I won't like it. There's a chance I might like Inception.

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