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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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La Cabina

A tight and very effective Twilight Zone-style short film about a man stuck in a phone booth before amused spectators. It's definitely one that stays with you. It's well-directed and there's some nifty symbolism in it, too - the main bit of which relating to Franco-era Spain. I won't spoil it, check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFeERCVkAPg


Gladstone was talking about this the other week - it's a blinder, a really wonderful counterpart to most of the lurid shit that came out of Espana in the sleazy seventies.

The lurid shit'll be next on my list ;)


To add; the only flaw, as far as I'm concerned, is that

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no one tries to cut the protagonist out of the booth. And, instead going straight to simply smashing the glass, the fireman think to do that in what's got to be the most dangerous way possible; smashing bit over his head.


[close spoiler]


I get that the whole thing's symbolic, and what I've pointed out is relatively insignificant, but it did bug me.

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Yep, La Cabina's fucking great, although I can't take sole credit for it being raised on here recently, that should go to Mr. Seven also. Butch has also mentioned it recently.

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Friends With Kids. Decent enough concept for a comedy, but I think the albatross was the woman who wrote, directed and starred. According to IMDB, she's only three years older than Adam Scott, but she looks old enough to be his mother. That put me off from the start, and so did her face. She's pretty, but something about her face or the way she moves it makes her extremely unwatchable. I think it's a combination of having a weird face and being really shit at acting. The supporting cast were underused, but put in good shifts.


Ultimately, it's a bit of a halfway house between an Apatow film and those bland, big-name ensemble dramas that come out every now and again that nobody cares about or remembers. I didn't hate it. I liked it quite a bit more than that Jennifer Lopez film about kids I watched the other night, but still... Half-cocked and clunky at best. I didn't really buy the premise, either.

Edited by King Pitcos
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This morning I ended up watching Street Trash and the documentary about he filming of it on Lovefilm. Street Trash is a film I watched many moons ago on a knackered old VHS copy and it's just as silly as I remembered it. The documentary was extremely interesting, especially about how a lot of the people didn't really have a clue what they were doing and were just along for the ride. I find it fascinating how films like that got made, because whilst the budget was obviously small they had sucha big vision.

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The Black Cauldron


Working through my Disney collection and I was yet to watch this (courtesy of Disney Movie Rewards). I can understand why it didn't do great business due to its darkness, but it really was jolly good.

I remember the big fuss over this when it came out (and the figures that came with breakfast cereal), but I don't remember ever seeing it televised. The VHS has been sat on my shelf for a good year or so, so I ought to get round to watching it.

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I saw the Tintin movie last week.


I watched it because I was on an aeroplane and wasn't expecting that much from it... I thought it was excellent! I was never a fan of Tintin as a kid - it was a bit too slow and serious/dry for me.


The opening credits alone was enough to have me hooked on this film (really nice art style and music); I knew I was in for a treat, and it didn't let me down.

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I saw the Tintin movie last week.


I watched it because I was on an aeroplane and wasn't expecting that much from it... I thought it was excellent! I was never a fan of Tintin as a kid - it was a bit too slow and serious/dry for me.


The opening credits alone was enough to have me hooked on this film (really nice art style and music); I knew I was in for a treat, and it didn't let me down.


Yeah it has all the fun and adventure of an Indiana Jones film, infact if I pretend its an animated young Indy spin off I might be able to forgive Spielberg and Lucas for the stupid fucking aliens.

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You know when a work of art just clicks with you? This was one such film.


I admire it immensely artistically – it’s beautifully shot, and the lighting is amongst the best I’ve ever seen, hazy, dim, soft and warm, it really added to the atmosphere. And then there was just the catalogue of amazing scenes, from the strobe dance in the club against the white background (an epileptic fit waiting to happen, I’d have thought it’d warn you on the box), the scene outside the club in the driving rain when she drags out the semi-naked Jeannie, the dance in the spray at the start and of course the final audition.


The acting is great, too, especially Beale, who is extremely empathic whilst remaining feisty and full of character. The story moves quick and visually the film is very distinctive. The soundtrack is pretty perfect too, most of it written by Moroder so that’s to be expected. The way the songs connect with every scene is so skilful and understated. They also got all the little things right, such as locations and choice of shot. One of the most perfect films I’ve ever watched. The only criticism is the ending, which is abrupt. And it also feels very 80s, which I think is a good thing but some may find aspects dated.


Just checked IMDB, very surprised to see it only has a rating of 5.7. Glad I watched it before reading the reviews actually, always best to come at things without prior prejudice.

Edited by WU LYF 4 LYF
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