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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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So I saw the Sherlock Holmes sequel the other night, having been looking forward to watching it for a while. It's crap. I really wanted to like it but it really is quite abysmal. It reminded me of when first year film students first use a video editing software and suddenly discover all the different effects they can do and use them every three seconds. I almost wonder if it was deliberate sabotage.



Go on then. I dare you - produce me a 5 minute edit of anything that is of comparable quality to any 5 minutes of editing in that film.

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Ready to Rumble.


It's worse then I ever expected :(


The one plus point is Rose McGowan before she fucked up her face with plastic surgery


She is good looking, I preferred Melanie Moore (? the one in the taco place who isn't a total bitch)


Even then it's just dreadful. It can't seem to determine if wrestling is a work or a shoot and all the main characters are massive bellend's with no reminding features.

Its a comedy with not a single laugh, not even a "so bad it was funny" laugh for gods sake.

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Just got back from watching Prometheus. I didn't like it at all. Nothing actually 'happened'. No questions were answered, heck there wernt even any interesting questions. The best part of the film happened in the last 15 minutes or so.


Also, I honestly thought I was watching Tom Hardy until the end credits where it was someone totally different.

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Well, I went for a complete change of style and watched Ghostbusters (1984). But you don't need me to tell you how awesome that movie is.


I was going to watch the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie tonight too, but I think I'll leave that one for tomorrow now.

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Just saw Prometheus.


It's shit.


It's shit and makes me sad. I have to stop looking forward to things.


Why the fuck would they

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do the chest burster bit?!!?? Unless this is a reboot. Which it isn't. Why be a cunt? Why? Fucking moronic artsy cunts. I mean they set up everything. Am I now to assume that the blue man just got up and walked all crippled over to the ship which crashed in pretty much EXACTLY the way that the ship is on LV-426? On a different moon?? Or have I missed something here?!?!


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Just saw Prometheus.


It's shit.


It's shit and makes me sad. I have to stop looking forward to things.


Why the fuck would they

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

do the chest burster bit?!!?? Unless this is a reboot. Which it isn't. Why be a cunt? Why? Fucking moronic artsy cunts. I mean they set up everything. Am I now to assume that the blue man just got up and walked all crippled over to the ship which crashed in pretty much EXACTLY the way that the ship is on LV-426? On a different moon?? Or have I missed something here?!?!


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from the link i put on the last page


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It didn't end where Alien started!


It wasn't supposed to. Ridley Scott has been firm on the point that, come the final credits of Prometheus, we're still a film or two away from the start of Alien. That's why the creature we see at the end isn't the one you're used to. and also why the Space Jockey isn't yet in the place he's discovered in Alien.


But it's all set on the same planet isn't it?


No. A crucial difference, this. Alien and Aliens surround LV426. Prometheus is set on LV223. Very different worlds. 203 LVs apart, in fact.


Is it the same Space Jockey?


No. For reasons stated above. Also, in Alien, when we see the Space Jockey, it's clearly been the victim of a chest burster. Again, we're some way away from that happening.



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Last night I watched my first Cheech and Chong movie, Up In Smoke. They sure do say "Man" a lot. Chong is also a dead ringer for my Dad's brother in the seventies.


I also watched a wonderfully cheesy 80's beach/sex comedy called Hardbodies. Less crude than the likes of Porky's and Private School, but would appeal to the same sort of fan.

Chick rock band Vixen put in an appearance, and it's great if you want to see some genuine 80's excessive interior design, instead of a 21st century interpretation.

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