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General politics discussion thread


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It is stupid, if people are breaking the law then arrest them, if people incite racial hatred then arrest them, I dont think you can go around banning marches and protests regardless of the content of it. If they break the law and cause trouble, arrest them.

It's not often I agree with you Dammer, but I do in this case.

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No mickey, I'd imagine they probably made it up for no reason, seems the most likely explanation.

In other news, http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/art...r-right-demo.do a man found guilty of punching a policeman at the same event has just been jailed for 5 months.

One would presume again this is falsified, and an innocent man has been sent to prison.


No, he did it, was arrested & jailed for it.


The other story is just shit stirring, why were there no arrests over this? Do they have video or photos of the people involved? Did they even report it to the police or just brought it up on their website?


I mean

balanced reporting owns!! :thumbsup:

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Politics thread, just reporting politics, no need to get personal about it.


No you know exactly what you're up to, you even tried taking a shot in the Depression thread, so basicly you're a wanker mate.


Wanna carry it on, feel free to message me, I'll ignore you, but try if you want.

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In non EDL news


"Those who make the wrong decision,who engage in criminality, must be identified, arrested and punished, and we will make sure that happens" August 11th, home secretary theressa may outlines her no-nonsense approach to criminal justice.


"The United Kingdom further states that criminal prosecution of bank employees due to participation in tax offences is highly unlikely" 23 Augus, Clause in UK-Swiss Tax deal agreed by chancellor George Osborne. Proving there's one set of laws for Britaiins Teenage miscreants and another for it's bankers.


From private eye this week.

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Yeah, liking this weeks alot.

Tempted to point out that Steven what's his face (known to EDL supporters under his fake name as tommy, the bloke who goes onto newsnight and stuff) has been imprisoned for breaking his bail conditions, and is doing a little hunger strike thing about the unfairness of him having to stick to the law's of the UK (Irony at all?) but unsure how to do it as general political news (which it would seem to be) without being accused of trying to stir stuff up.

I'm hoping if I leave like I did above, it's just political news, rather than stirring stuff up.

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From PoliceProfessional.com

PCC elections to be held in November 2012

Sep 7th, 2011


Police and crime commissioner elections are to be pushed back to November 2012 after the Government tabled amendments to it police reform plans.


Under plans laid out in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, the Government was expected to introduce police and crime commissioner elections in May next year. As part of measures to cut costs on expensive election campaigns, it was hoped that the election of police and crime commissioner elections would be held at the same time as local elections.


The Shadow Home Secretary has described the move as "ridiculous political fudge" which would prove costly to both the public and the police service.


Yvette Cooper said: "Holding elections for US-style police commissioners in the depth of November will substantially increase the extra costs which already stand at

Edited by Mr.Showtime
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