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I'm usually a supporter of Trade Unions, but if they shut down a station because the EDL were using it I really have to question their sense.

The Police were pissed about it!


And the RMT are in league with Hope Not Hate, so not a shock when you think about it, Socialist Unity an all that

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Assaulting a police officer, very patriotic.


I thought the Liberty quote on today's idiocy was good:


A spokeswoman for human rights group Liberty said: "It is an inevitable irony that brave Britons fought the predecessors of groups like the EDL so that everyone has the right peacefully to dissent.


"But this 'democratic right' does not extend to breaking your bail conditions, attacking the police and putting your neighbours in fear."

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Not really too up on this EDL malarkey and the rest of it, but how/why can anybody ban a protest/march in a modern society? Thats pretty outrageous.


This is a good article about it

It is clear to everyone that the EDL's motivation for marching in Tower Hamlets is far less about exercising its right to freedom of expression than it is to harass and intimidate the local Muslim population. The EDL itself has no qualms about attacking other protesters. The EDL's leader, Tommy Robinson, explicitly threatened student demonstrators last December, and the group violently attacked an anti-racist meeting in Barking in May, hospitalising a female NHS worker.
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Seems they didn't actually get as far as tower hamlets, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/03/e...ice?INTCMP=SRCH with the local community and anti fascists mobilising the police decided was best to keep them away from it. Which I do like, puts me in mind of the battle of cable st back in the 30's, same area of london, and again the fascists didn't get to get where they were going. This time due to a coalition of groups called united east end. Chants of "You shall not pass," again, very reassuring to see that.

60 arrests of for the EDL, including an entire coach of EDL supporters, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14778429 and looks like Steven Lennon (the chap mickey refers to as tommy! a former bnp activist and convicted woman beater and police assaulter) will be remanded in custody today or later for breaking his bail conditions.

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Not really too up on this EDL malarkey and the rest of it, but how/why can anybody ban a protest/march in a modern society? Thats pretty outrageous.


Incitment of racial hatred is a crime in this modern society, one could make a decent argument that that's the core premise of EDL marches.

But that wasn't actually the reason, there's been rioting and disorder on the streets a fair bit recently and anything which looks like going the same way has been temporarily banned in the aftermath of the disorder.

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Seems they didn't actually get as far as tower hamlets, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/03/e...ice?INTCMP=SRCH with the local community and anti fascists mobilising the police decided was best to keep them away from it. Which I do like, puts me in mind of the battle of cable st back in the 30's, same area of london, and again the fascists didn't get to get where they were going. This time due to a coalition of groups called united east end. Chants of "You shall not pass," again, very reassuring to see that.

60 arrests of for the EDL, including an entire coach of EDL supporters, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14778429 and looks like Steven Lennon (the chap mickey refers to as tommy! a former bnp activist and convicted woman beater and police assaulter) will be remanded in custody today or later for breaking his bail conditions.


The Police were never going to allow us into TH anyway, we followed their directions to the word so the Real Facists can claim "victory" all they like really.


The Coach story is a load of bollocks, the coach broke down after being attacked & the police decided that because another coach couldn't be brought in for at least an hour, to avoid having the party walking about instead arrest everyone on it & move them out of the area that way, from what I understand everyone was released without charge.

Edited by big mickey
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But that wasn't actually the reason, there's been rioting and disorder on the streets a fair bit recently and anything which looks like going the same way has been temporarily banned in the aftermath of the disorder.


Which was fair enough, so either totally ban protests, or don't.

Having a static was more or less the same, but without as much freedom to march.


Stupid move really.

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