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France, Spain, Italy and Belgium ban short-selling on bank shares and shares of other financial institutions...



Another thing you may not have known when you woke up; at the end of last year Tony Blair did a 'tour' of Kosovo where he was greeted with thousands of fans wherever he went, a standing ovation in the national assembly and on his last day was given his own stadium 'gig' where hundreds of thousands of people turned up to hear him talk. He was even joined on stage by a group of young boys and girls born during or after the conflict, who's names were 'Tony', 'Toni' or 'Tonibler'. I shit you not.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I spoke to a chap in banking about this when england banned it, his view was that there's a couple of hundred different ways of short selling, of which about 15 had been banned. The problem with this stuff is alot of the times bankers know far more about it than governments, which is why leglislation is so ineffective.

Either way though, it highlights just how close to total collapse the whole thing is, that this sort of fire fighting panicked legislation is.

To give you some idea of the figures involed, the sub prime crisis which caused the last crash was due to a few hundred bilion dollars of toxic stock in the market place. There are currently 3 trillion dollars of italian bonds alone in the market place, that's before you add france spain belgium portugal and greece into the equation. And don't think we wouldn't be afffected, all of our banks have massive exposure to them all through their bond trading arms.

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France, Spain, Italy and Belgium ban short-selling on bank shares and shares of other financial institutions...



Another thing you may not have known when you woke up; at the end of last year Tony Blair did a 'tour' of Kosovo where he was greeted with thousands of fans wherever he went, a standing ovation in the national assembly and on his last day was given his own stadium 'gig' where hundreds of thousands of people turned up to hear him talk. He was even joined on stage by a group of young boys and girls born during or after the conflict, who's names were 'Tony', 'Toni' or 'Tonibler'. I shit you not.


I remember reading about that at the time of the conflict. It's not uncommon: a lot of Greeks are called "Vyron" or "Byron" in tribute to Lord Byron, who lead a doomed, privately-funded military expedition to Greece to help them fight for freedom from the Ottoman Empire.


Also, there was that Egyptian guy recently who named his new-born baby "Facebook", because of the site's effectiveness in helping the Egyptian public lead their revolution.

Edited by Carbomb
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More Rail Union hating stuff from me im afraid. I know, broken record.




Bob Crow, General Sec of the RMT, attempting to blame the rail companies though is the most ridiculous and hypocrtical thing ive ever read though. They are single handedly destroying the entire rail network.



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One doesn't like to get complacent, but with senior figures now being chased for the money owed, a split party, funds going down, votes going through the floor, there really doesn't seem to be any way out for them.

Which, agreed, is a reasonably popular state of affairs.

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Probably good for the EDL and UKIP if the BNP go under, neither group has the same stigma attached to the BNP either, although I'm sure the media will soon start the smear campaigns against them.


John Cleese has said that London is no longer an English city and that the only reason it got the Olympics is because it rejected English culture in favour of third world cultures. Thoughts? A rich old man who can say what he thinks because he hasn't got anything to lose? Or a disgusting bigot?




He's certainly right about foreign tourists coming to London and not getting what they expect.

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Probably good for the EDL and UKIP if the BNP go under, neither group has the same stigma attached to the BNP either, although I'm sure the media will soon start the smear campaigns against them.


While someone on here might say it's not justified, and I'd say it is, I think the EDL already has the same stigma attached to it as the BNP. Certainly they're referred to in the media as a fair right group, the prime minister called them sick, and the authorities are treating them as another terrorist group in the uk.

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