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Took me approx 8 weeks to get my low rate DLA, plus I don't meet full criteria for a full time job (Type 1 Diabetic) but luckily I work part time with a great gaffer, although I had it on appeal which for each appeal that is successful (70%) is at a cost to the taxpayer
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Diabetes means you can't work a full-time job?


Not exactly should of explained that better I have Type 1 not Type 2 - I have to inject insulin before I eat, and keep an eye on my blood sugars and glucose control, a lot of shift work I did affected affected my blood sugars so I was advised to look for fixed hours only plus I didn't have much flexibility when it came to insulin, plus there is diabetic neuropathy I get which is basically nerve damage when my sugar is too high, so my GP advised I apply for DLA as my chances are getting a proper full time job are slimmer than a normal person, plus applications I filled in were turned down or I didn't hear from them, however I don't claim IB or ESA since I have a part time job.

Edited by Psygnosis
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Ah, OK. I'm type 1 too. The one time I did night shift I had two horrific sleep hypos. I feel your pain. Sorry to hear about the neuropathy. It's scary stuff. Good luck brah.

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Ah, OK. I'm type 1 too. The one time I did night shift I had two horrific sleep hypos. I feel your pain. Sorry to hear about the neuropathy. It's scary stuff. Good luck brah.


Thanks, my neuropathy is just basically pins and needles in my legs (basically a dead leg at times), not as bad as other cases I've seen, but my WiiFit does me good to keep up with exercise when I need to.

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The Tea Party commentariat on Fox News are very confusing.


For example, currently they're claiming victory in the debt ceiling talks despite the agreement being a watered down version of the Boehner plan that the Tea Party hated, and said they weren't going to vote for. Also, despite they're gung-ho talk about cutting spending and getting rid of the education authority altogether (amidst other loony plans), they are suggesting military spending should increase two- or three-fold.


I hate caricatures but, seriously, it's like their mantra is 'LOVE WAR. HATE POOR.'

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I fucking love Vince Cable.


Its chief executive, Fergal Sharkey said: "Who wants to tell the 80% of music businesses that employ fewer than five people, and the thousands of artists who self-finance the production of their own albums, that to enjoy the protection of the law, all they need now is to have millions of pounds and spend years in court to protect their work."

I always believed that most music artists only get a small amount of their income from record sales/downloads, the majority of it coming from live performances?


The current state of PRS needs reform as well as the rules governing them are ridiculous.

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Many artists don't even own the copyright to their recorded works. I strongly recommend you read Steve Albini's "river of shit" article, or Kristin Hersh's "Thoughts on Sustainability" or Tim Quirk's piece about his $62 royalties. The music business is fucked. Download all you want and send a fiver in the post to the artist. Oh, and bomb a record company if you get the chance.

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You need to have HLA 327 ( iirc) to be diagnosed and a slew of other things including the 12 point test to even sort out a proper diagnosis from memory


I'm going with other issues as to why its so problematic, inc the low weight. Perhaps depression and other issues are causing this

You're probably correct on the associated issues causing the problems. The fact still stands though, and he was actually declined parole again over the past few days.


The independent medical report on him read as follows;


"Mr Lillis's condition gives cause for very serious concern," the doctor's report read. "I believe he will die in Maghaberry prison because he is suffering with an advanced condition which requires specialist and ongoing attention.


"The man who was over 6 ft tall is now under 6 stone and is drifting in out of conscious.


"His cognitive abilities are severely compromised and his medication also contributes to his mental confusion. He quite clearly poses no risk to others as he is himself at imminent risk of death in his place of detention."

parole commissioners who investiagted his case recently have said that he would not be released on compassionate grounds and even suggested he could commit new offences.


A complete farce, obviously.

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The Tea Party commentariat on Fox News are very confusing.


For example, currently they're claiming victory in the debt ceiling talks despite the agreement being a watered down version of the Boehner plan that the Tea Party hated, and said they weren't going to vote for. Also, despite they're gung-ho talk about cutting spending and getting rid of the education authority altogether (amidst other loony plans), they are suggesting military spending should increase two- or three-fold.


I hate caricatures but, seriously, it's like their mantra is 'LOVE WAR. HATE POOR.'


I know the minute you bring this up on the internet the thread stops but didn't the nazis have a similar philosophy? Mass spending on equipment for war? And, bar the result of the war, didn't that go quite well for them? I seem to remember beign taught that their economy improved from it.

Edited by Vamp
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Quoting Wikipedia here, but:


. Between 1933 and 1939, the total revenue was 62 billion marks whereas expenditure (at times made up to 60 % by rearmament costs) exceeded 101 billion, thus creating a huge deficit and national debt (reaching 38 billion mark in 1939) coinciding with the Kristallnacht and intensified persecutions of Jews and the break-out of the war.


Also worth remembering they took power at a time of massive unemployment and inflation of about a trillion percent.




By 1938 unemployment was practically extinct and Germany even lacked enough workers to fill the available jobs. However this dramatic fall in unemployment levels was not all due to the creation of new jobs. Many Jews and women were forced out of their jobs and this made way for unemployed German men to take their place. However the women and Jews who had lost their jobs were not counted on the unemployment register


German jobs for German workers!

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You need to have HLA 327 ( iirc) to be diagnosed and a slew of other things including the 12 point test to even sort out a proper diagnosis from memory


Dunno about anyone else, but I'd have thought a bit of HLA would've made everything all better. At least for a few tugs.

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