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I think the domestic abuse link you mentioned proves the point that it should be a more complex issue for governments than unregulated personal choice for all. It's still a personal choice to buy cigarettes when they're
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I think the domestic abuse link you mentioned proves the point that it should be a more complex issue for governments than unregulated personal choice for all. It's still a personal choice to buy cigarettes when they're
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I wonder how high is going to be high enough when it comes to doctors and MPs who advocate continually raising alcohol prices as a means of solving the drinking problem. My problem with it is that it's elitist and class-based, and punishes the masses for the sins of the few, whilst not really affecting the rich at all. Lest we forget, posh people are perfectly capable of behaving like boorish, violent, drink-fuelled thugs too, as Cameron should remember from his days with the Bullingdon club.


I can't say it will really affect me, because I've never been one for drinking in the house and my clubbing days are being rapidly phased out with each worsening hangover. But I can't help thinking how shit life is going to be for school and college-leavers in the next few years though - no jobs, priced out of university and barely able to afford three pints on a night out. Then again, if you raise the prices of alcohol too high, people with shit lots in life can be very creative in finding substances to help them forget the grind - MPs have to be careful not to unwittingly increase the drug problem while trying to find a solution to the alcohol one.

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It just seems rather unfair in regards to cigeratte pricing, whereby smokers are penalised a huge amount for no really good reason.

And with alchohol, if you're waking up prices to try and encourage a problematic minority to drink less the population as a whole (most of whome manage to drink without beating up spouses or others with no problem to society as a whole) then you penalise people who've done nothing to deserve it. In addition to the points above that at best you only really tackle the problem amongt the poor.

Essentially alchoholism and domestic abuse and kicking off and such are part of a bigger sociological problem, which changing the price on booze makes no difference too.

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Vince Cable says you are welcome to your democratic right to strike, but if you use it, we'll take it away.




Vince Cable warns unions against widespread strikes


Business secretary heckled as he tells GMB conference that widespread action would increase pressure for tightening of anti-strike laws


The business secretary, Vince Cable, was booed and heckled as he warned unions that widespread industrial action over spending cuts could ratchet up pressure on the government to make it harder for workers to strike.


Cable's comments

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As per usual, when you actually read his words, it seems perfectly sensible.

He's chosen his words very carefully, but this is clearly just the groundwork. Laying the foundations for an attack on worker's rights.

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He's chosen his words very carefully, but this is clearly just the groundwork. Laying the foundations for an attack on worker's rights.

Of course it is. The current regime know fine well that the plans they have for cutting jobs & services will result in widespread anger and trade union action. They have to stop it somehow, and the fact that they are blatantly talking about changing the laws to make it even more difficult to take strike action (despite the UK currently having some of the most undemocratic laws in Europe when it comes to strike action already) shows how they intend to deal with any resistance.


Do we expect anything else from the 'Tories and their lapdogs the Lib Dems?

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As per usual, when you actually read his words, it seems perfectly sensible.


That's a talent nearly all politicians have, unfortunately.

Anyways, the bottom line is clear, if there's too much striking and it makes the governments position untenable, they'll ban striking. And they just told the trade unions that.

Still, all helps ensure they'll be gone at the end of this term, that's about all I like in politics at the moment.

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Anyways, the bottom line is clear, if there's too much striking and it makes the governments position untenable, they'll ban striking.

The problem they'll face then is the image that this sends out of the UK. They'll be even more unable to preach their shit about taking "democracy" to the likes of the middle-east.

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He's chosen his words very carefully, but this is clearly just the groundwork. Laying the foundations for an attack on worker's rights.

Of course it is. The current regime know fine well that the plans they have for cutting jobs & services will result in widespread anger and trade union action. They have to stop it somehow, and the fact that they are blatantly talking about changing the laws to make it even more difficult to take strike action (despite the UK currently having some of the most undemocratic laws in Europe when it comes to strike action already) shows how they intend to deal with any resistance.


Do we expect anything else from the 'Tories and their lapdogs the Lib Dems?


Sorry to butt in but I know a guy who's a proper hardcore Tory. Happens to be gay and is a blogger and a member of the LGBTory group. One thing I love is how he goes on about how the Conservative "common sense" agenda is held hostage by the Lib Dems and their "strange whims". He makes them sound like the thin red line.

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