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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Wasn't it an interview he did with Canadian t.v in the wake of the Benoit murder-suicide. Also gave the brilliant "I wasn't violent, I mean I put a shotgun under her chin once"


It was CNN actually. It was the same one that edited Cena denying that he's on steroids to make it sound like an admission of guilt.

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I'm currently making my way through all the pimped 2012 puroresu matches and I'm somewhat tempted to make a thread about it but I'd thought I'd ask to see if you think this is a good idea. I'll review all the matches (should comes to around to just under a 100 matches) and I'll include a video link to encourage other posters to give it a watch and post their thoughts. I've already watched around 15 matches and I've already written the write-ups. I'll post a match or two every day and it'll be in a similar vein to the '100 Matches That You Probably Haven't Seen' thread.


So, what do you guys think?

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From a Raw post-show I'd wager. It's briefly shown in this fan video
from a Raw post show in 2002 apparently.


Here is a much clearer version of the above video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=TP...ature=endscreen


Oh, man.


Reminds me of one of my favourite wrestling pictures:




Love to have seen this match.

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I'm currently making my way through all the pimped 2012 puroresu matches and I'm somewhat tempted to make a thread about it but I'd thought I'd ask to see if you think this is a good idea. I'll review all the matches (should comes to around to just under a 100 matches) and I'll include a video link to encourage other posters to give it a watch and post their thoughts. I've already watched around 15 matches and I've already written the write-ups. I'll post a match or two every day and it'll be in a similar vein to the '100 Matches That You Probably Haven't Seen' thread.


So, what do you guys think?


I wouldn't mind reading and contributing but there isn't a massive contingent on here who would join in I think.

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I think there might be. I cant find a place to post my musings on the New Japan iPPVs (which I watch every month). There's a TNA, ROH and even a Chikara thread. Dont see why there shouldn't be one for Japan. Air_raid enjoys it and he's a guaranteed contributor. I think if there is a thread for it, there would be more coming out of the woodwork to contribute to it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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PUNQ did it, but it ended up being him talking to himself. Nobody wants to be Dexter, do they?


Here's the final post he made :



EDIT - I do love his use of the term "cradle snatcher" in a wrestling context.

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I was watching some Sean Waltman stuff earlier in the week for the first time in a while. The KOTR match vs Owen Hart, SummerSlam '95 vs Hakushi, the Razor and Bret matches from Raw, some tag stuff with Bob Holly and Jannetty. All still great. I'd never seen the AJ Styles match from the SOC 100 matches thread either which I really enjoyed.


My question is probably an obvious one to most of you who keep up with the current scene better, but is there a particular reason why Waltman isn't in WWE? I haven't seen much of his more recent stuff at all but from bits I've read it sounds like he can still go. And I've seen a few people post on here that WWE still hold his recommendations on outside talent in high regard. He's mates with Triple H. And he's clean now isn't he?


Is it just a case of him not wanting to work the WWE schedule or is it something else? Or is the point that he's kind of an in ring talent scout on the indys for WWE these days?

Edited by wandshogun09
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He had hepatitis for a while there. Apparently he's now cleared from that and his anus tear is why he isn't there. X-Pac said recently to pretty much expect him in a WWE ring in the next 6 months. He's 41 (which is around the Jericho, RVD range where you can get a lot out of them on a short term basis) and he can still go. His match with El Generico was so fucking good, he was in tears afterwards. If it wasn't for him having hepatitis, this bloke would be tied down doing all sorts for them. He does all sorts as of now unofficially. They are hyping up RVD's return like something out of the ordinary, so they could easily get footage of old 123 Kid matches and his run in 98 and put it together and make it into something of a big deal with him returning. There's so much I can think of him doing, so his best mate HHH could probably think of 10 times more. Getting Triple H, X-Pac and The Outlaws on a big PPV match would gain some interest. If or when X-Pac gets hired, I'd have him on NXT every single week wrestling all the guys they have now. He could be to the developmental wrestlers, what Jericho is to the main roster. Someone they can have belting matches with and learn little things that a veteran who can still go can teach you.


Adrian Neville vs. X-Pac is a dream match for me. Seeing him wrestle Sami Zayn again would be class as well. Even someone like Big E Langston I think would be class. X-Pac always worked wonders against the jacked up medium sized workers. I'd rather see Waltman back than Steve Austin. With those long 3 hour Raws everyone gets time now. So you could have X-Pac vs. CM Punk or X-Pac vs. Daniel Bryan is a one off where X-Pac puts them over without a long feud behind it. WWE is so perfect for someone like Waltman right now. He can have long matches on Raw and teach the young wrestlers on NXT. Its the perfect time for him to be in WWE.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He had hepatitis for a while there. Apparently he's now cleared from that and his anus tear is why he isn't there. X-Pac said recently to pretty much expect him in a WWE ring in the next 6 months. He's 41 (which is around the Jericho, RVD range where you can get a lot out of them on a short term basis) and he can still go. His match with El Generico was so fucking good, he was in tears afterwards. If it wasn't for him having hepatitis, this bloke would be tied down doing all sorts for them. He does all sorts as of now unofficially. They are hyping up RVD's return like something out of the ordinary, so they could easily get footage of old 123 Kid matches and his run in 98 and put it together and make it into something of a big deal with him returning. There's so much I can think of him doing, so his best mate HHH could probably think of 10 times more. Getting Triple H, X-Pac and The Outlaws on a big PPV match would gain some interest. If or when X-Pac gets hired, I'd have him on NXT every single week wrestling all the guys they have now. He could be to the developmental wrestlers, what Jericho is to the main roster. Someone they can have belting matches with and learn little things that a veteran who can still go can teach you.


Adrian Neville vs. X-Pac is a dream match for me. Seeing him wrestle Sami Zayn again would be class as well. Even someone like Big E Langston I think would be class. X-Pac always worked wonders against the jacked up medium sized workers. I'd rather see Waltman back than Steve Austin. With those long 3 hour Raws everyone gets time now. So you could have X-Pac vs. CM Punk or X-Pac vs. Daniel Bryan is a one off where X-Pac puts them over without a long feud behind it. WWE is so perfect for someone like Waltman right now. He can have long matches on Raw and teach the young wrestlers on NXT. Its the perfect time for him to be in WWE.


This is a great post.


I haven't watched much of his recent stuff at all mainly because I don't know what indies he's worked for and the ones I do know, like Chikara, I wouldn't know where to find their shit. But having watched a load of his stuff recently on old Raws and WWF PPVs, I'd love to see him back. The two shoots he's done with Sean Oliver have both been absolutely excellent and he comes across as a really nice bloke who still loves wrestling and for those reasons alone I'd have him back. But if he is still as good as you say he is, Ian, then he would be a fantastic hand to have back perhaps when Chris Jericho goes on another tour with his shite band.


I probably didn't appreciate him enough first time round. His first match with Razor Ramon is my favourite moment in wrestling, though, but revisiting his stuff after that he really did just have great match after great match. Him against Daniel Bryan or Dean Ambrose would be potential match of the year material before it even happened.

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Here's a match from 2011 to give you an idea of what he's like now. He's still super fast. Still does all the same moves as he did as well. He's the man.


That match is a massive eye opener when it comes to realising how much wrestling has changed. Waltman was seen as a novelty back in 1993 and people were amazed he got a job in the WWF. He might have been the biggest man on that card in 2011, though. He is doing big man/little man spots with Amazing Red. Waltman's bigger than a lot of wrestlers on the WWE roster, too.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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X-Pac said recently to pretty much expect him in a WWE ring in the next 6 months.


I love this, and I love you for telling me it.

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