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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I'm not gonna lie, I'm obsessed with those people.


- Earliest sighting I know of was in the front row (obviously) at No Mercy 2001.


- That time you mentioned where Hardy was stood with them in the crowd is the only time the woman has ever smiled


- She appears to have had more plastic surgery each time she appears on TV, to the point where she can no longer close her mouth properly


- The dad seems to enjoy the produce much more than the mum & kid, he danced merrily to HBK's music at WM25 or WM26 which was lovely stuff


- There is no pattern to where they appear. Like the luminous shell suit couple always appear at shows in Ohio, with the occasional big ppv elsewhere thrown in. My research has shown these fuckers appear at things as minor as TV tapings or b-level ppvs in Illinois, New York, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina, Nevada, and others all over the country.


- Over the past year the kid has started wearing a bluetooth headset during the show. Tosser.


Told you I was obsessed. :blush:



To add much more intruige to this case study, Ive just spotted them near the front at Clash of the Champions XXXV. Dont know if you have the show, but I spotted them when the nWo made their slow entrance at the end of the show. The women is taking pictures, and a very young boy is being held by the dad. Them being at a show in 1997, and a WCW show at that, is pretty shocking. Will post a picture later.

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Well, except for that time they wasn't.


On a similar note, again in this video:



Who's the masked guy in blue at 22 secs? He also seems to be tagging against (or with) another man in a black mask on the apron. Who dat? I never realised there were so many masked strangers in the WWF at that point.

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Who's the masked guy in blue at 22 secs? He also seems to be tagging against (or with) another man in a black mask on the apron. Who dat? I never realised there were so many masked strangers in the WWF at that point.


The match in question, if you're wondering, is Warrior, Beefcake, Blazer, Sam Houston & Jim Brunzell against Honky, Ron Bass, The Hammer, Bad News Brown and Danny Davis, from Survivors '88. All the clips from the famous (first) Silver Vision intro are taken from WrestleMania III, Survivors 88, Rumble 89, SummerSlam 89 or UK Rampage 91.

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Who came up with the idea of Hogan bagging the belt at Mania 9? Some fans claim it was because Hulk refused to do mania unless he was getting a win in the Main Event something ive never truely believed in alough back then with faces going over in the Main Event seems odd to have Bret retain.


Regarding this time period the only time I saw Hulk wrestling was against Muta in Japan where Hulk seemed to bad mouth the championship for some reason. I remember a old WWF magazine where they had a pic of Beefcake & Hart celebrating in the ring after the show went off the air and people mentioned Vince joined in and was suprised when WWE released the story of Mania DVD they didnt include any of this considering how much off air stuff they filmed this night.


What were the original plans for the title? Ive heard Bret claim that it was supposed to be him and Hogan at Summerslam for the belt and saying Hulk wouldnt put him over. I would of thought they were planning on a feud with Gonzalez looking at House Shows were going. Even Matt Bourne claimed he was supposed to wrestle Hogan at a major PPV which seems a little odd in itself.

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Who came up with the idea of Hogan bagging the belt at Mania 9? Some fans claim it was because Hulk refused to do mania unless he was getting a win in the Main Event something ive never truely believed in alough back then with faces going over in the Main Event seems odd to have Bret retain.


Have you got a memory loss problem? I knew I'd answered this reasonably recently and it turns out it was you that asked!


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I was watching the Hulk Hogan - The Ultimate Anthology DVD the other day and Hogan talks about Andre not liking him initially but warming to him after an incident in Japan which, I think, he described along the lines of having his back against a wall or being back into a corner and sticking up for himself, something like that. So, I was wondering to what incident is he referring?

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I was watching the Hulk Hogan - The Ultimate Anthology DVD the other day and Hogan talks about Andre not liking him initially but warming to him after an incident in Japan which, I think, he described along the lines of having his back against a wall or being back into a corner and sticking up for himself, something like that. So, I was wondering to what incident is he referring?


Not a specific incident, but a general not letting Andre grind him down, so he grew on the big man. Here is what he says in his book :


Well, Bill Watts wasn't happy that I wouldn't lose to (Wahoo McDaniel), so when Andre got to the Superdome Bill Watts pulled him aside and told him I wouldn't do jobs - not even for Andre, even though I was there for that very reason. Andre was so pissed off he damn near killed me. He messed up my shoulder, screwed my neck up, and suplexed me on my head.


But that wasn't the only time Andre beat me up. It used to happen on a regular basis. In fact, I used to get sick just thinking about wrestling him. On the way to the arena, I'd get so nervous I'd puke. And when we went to Japan and we would ride a bus to the arena, he would sit in the back of me and bounce beer cans off my head. But even then, I looked up to him, and not just because he was half a foot taller than I was. I just liked the kind of person he was. He had a presence, a mystique about him. And eventually, things improved between us.


I think it was because he couldn't run me off. No matter how much he abused me, I would always sit in front of him on the bus. And when we stopped, instead of him getting off the bus to get noodle soup out of the vending machine, I'd run out and get him all the food he needed. I saw how hard it was for him to get around, big as he was, and I just wanted to help him as much as I could.


Also, a lot of guys who went to Japan would start bitching about their aches and pains after a week or two and haul their asses back to the States. Even when I got hurt real bad, I didn't complain about it or go home. I kept on wrestling.


Andre would go over there a lot because the money was good. And just about every time he went for a four-week tour, I'd be sitting on the bus waiting on him. After a while, he started saying "Hey, boss, what are you doing here again?" And I told him, "Just trying to keep up with you, old man." But I think when he saw that I wasn't going to quit, I earned his respect. Thank God we got around that corner. After that, Andre and I became really good friends.


Unless The Hulk thinks he earned Andre's respect the time he shot on Riki Choshu (the former Olympic wrestler), beat up for two or three minutes and pinned him despite the booked finish being a time limit draw, which is the best piece of bullshit of all time. Even if you believe the weightlifter could legitimately pin the former amateur standout (I don't), as a gaijin that defied a booker and deviated from a planned result, he would have suddenly seen his bookings cancelled. Especially if he'd done it to a wrestler with the clout of Choshu.

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Unless The Hulk thinks he earned Andre's respect the time he shot on Riki Choshu (the former Olympic wrestler), beat up for two or three minutes and pinned him despite the booked finish being a time limit draw, which is the best piece of bullshit of all time. Even if you believe the weightlifter could legitimately pin the former amateur standout (I don't), as a gaijin that defied a booker and deviated from a planned result, he would have suddenly seen his bookings cancelled. Especially if he'd done it to a wrestler with the clout of Choshu.

Those Japs are bigger bullshitters than Hulk Hogan are. Its probably where he learned it all from. Choshu was probably squeezing his Japseye reading it going "Get it, he's pretending its real *spaff, spaff, spaff*".


What were the original plans for the title? Ive heard Bret claim that it was supposed to be him and Hogan at Summerslam for the belt and saying Hulk wouldnt put him over. I would of thought they were planning on a feud with Gonzalez looking at House Shows were going. Even Matt Bourne claimed he was supposed to wrestle Hogan at a major PPV which seems a little odd in itself.

House shows dont mean anything. Gonzalez vs Hogan would have been horrific.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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