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Astro Hollywood

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About Astro Hollywood

  • Birthday 05/04/1979

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  1. Imagine my horror when @neil closed the old YT thread last night, the day before I planned to once again casually drop one of my own videos into it, as though that's acceptable behaviour. Now I look like a right nobber by starting a whole new thread for it. Anyway, dump your farting dogs and out of date sea shanty parodies in here, as this is the new YouTube thread. And here's a video essay I did to conclude my dissection of Jim Davidson's mucky panto trilogy. Probably not worksafe.
  2. It's a little hard to post about this, seeing as the two main websites containing all the info have been killed in the bandwidth rush this past couple of days, but there's a really good video news report on it here, containing an interview with the guy that has the bodyThere are a ton of news articles all saying roughly the same thing, so just put 'bigfoot' into Google News.And here's a big picture.What do people make of this? I'm completely obsessed with cryptozoology, and it's an awesome story, but that thing looks really fake, like an empty suit. It's hard to get any sense of weight with it laying there all floppy. Plus, the two guys who found it were known to be shady characters before this all started. Then again, who the fuck knows what a Bigfoot would really look like, let alone a dead, rotting one? This cop guy does seems really sure it's for real, and that he has the body and DNA to prove it. Two days until we find out.
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